[IGSTK-Users] View Problem on Sagittal, Coronal MR dateset

Fucang Jia jiafucang at asisz.com
Wed Aug 16 05:51:00 EDT 2006

Hi, Patrick,

Here I get three scans from one subject, including axial, sagittal and coronal
scans. I anonymize the DICOM images using AnonymizeNoLoad in the GDCM
toolkit, do skull stripping using bet2 from FSL software. At last, I use the anonymized
DICOM header and skull stripped image to concatenate into a set of new DICOM
images which include neither any personal information nor identified facical information.
The compressed datasets is about 5.4MB.

IGSTK do not deal with sagittal or coronal images correctly which can be seen in 
NeedleBiosy app, do you need these anonymized MR DICOM datasets to have a check? 


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