[IGSTK-Developers] Help! How to correctly install IGSTK for use it with Qt and a InfiniTracker camera from Atracsys?

Alejandro De León Cuevas a.deleon.cuevas at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 14:44:01 EDT 2013

Hello, I wonder if someone could help me to correctly install IGSTK for use it
with Qt and a InfiniTracker camera from Atracsys.

The IDE I'm using is Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate on a Windows 7
Professional 32-bit computer.

I have already installed Qt 4.8.2 and the Infinitrack camera libraries are
ready to be operated.

The issue is that I have installed ITK 4.3.1, VTK 5.2 and IGSTK 5.10.1
several times, all in Debug compiling mode, but I can not make them work.

Once installed ITK and VTK, apparently without any problem, I tried
toinstall the IGSTK
software with Cmake, checking ON the IGSTK_USE_InfiniTrack checkbox setting,
then I introduce the following path: “C: \ Program Files \ Atracsys \
Passive Tracking SDK \ include” on the DIR_INCLUDE option where the C / C +
+ headers are stored. Later I select the “fusionTrack32.lib” on the DIR_LIB
option. When I'm doing the building, Visual Studio shows me an error
dialogue box which says that IGSTK.lib can't be found. Then I tried to install
IGSTK checking OFF the IGSTK_USE_InfiniTrack checkbox, after that, apparently
Visual Studio compile everything without problems, but when I tried to
runany examples, it
shows me an alert window that says that “vtkImaging.dll” is missing.

Thank you for the care given, I hope you can help me with this problem.
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