[IGSTK-Developers] vtkPolyData or vtkUnstructuredGrid for MeshObjectRepresentation

Görtler, Jochen jochen.goertler at student.kit.edu
Mon Feb 13 12:17:10 EST 2012

Hello everybody,

This is my first post on this mailing list. I'm currently studying computer science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany and use IGSTK for my Bachelor-Thesis project.

I've noticed two things in the igstkMeshObjectRepresentation class, both in the CreateActors() method:

1.) Is there any advantage of using vtkUnstructuredGrid internally compared to vtkPolyData? It seems to me that vtkPolyData would be more versatile for further visualizations? The variables are named polydata as well.

2.) No normals seem to be calculated, which I think results in the objects cells not being interpolated, making MeshObjectRepresentations look "flat-shaded".

Maybe I'm missing something but would it be possible to change this behavior? If you want I could also make these small adjustments and post the code or commit it to the repository.


Jochen Goertler

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