[IGSTK-Developers] Slashdot | Investigators Suspect Computers Doomed Air France Jet

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Jun 29 23:21:27 EDT 2009


"Investigators working with the wreckage of Air France flight 447
believe the aircraft suffered cascading system failures with the
on-board computers, eliminating the automation the aircraft needed to
stay aloft. 'Relying on backup instruments, the Air France pilots
apparently struggled to restart flight-management computers even as
their plane may have begun breaking up from excessive speed,' reports
the Wall Street Journal. Computer malfunctions may not be an isolated
incident on the Airbus A330, as the NTSB is now investigating two other
flights 'in which airspeed and altitude indications in the cockpits of
Airbus A330 aircraft may have malfunctioned.'"

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