[IGSTK-Developers] IGSTK update and reception at SPIE Medical Imaging in February

Kevin Cleary cleary at isis.georgetown.edu
Mon Dec 28 19:29:49 EST 2009

Hi all

Season greetings and best wishes for the New Year. I wanted to give  
you a short IGSTK update. IGSTK is the open source project for  
building image-guided surgery systems that we have been developing and  
supporting for the past five years.

First, we will have an IGSTK demonstration and reception at the SPIE  
Medical Imaging meeting in San Diego in February. The event will be on  
Sunday 14 February from 8 pm to 10 pm, most likely in the gazebo near  
the pool and across from the convention center. A formal announcement  
will be sent later but if you are planning on being at SPIE and can  
join us, please let me know. There will be a cash bar and networking  
opportunities as in previous years. We will have free copies of the  
latest IGSTK book, which is also available at igstk.org as a PDF file.

Second, for those planning to attend the Computer Aided Radiology and  
Surgery conference (CARS) in Geneva at the end of June, we are  
planning a user group meeting for Tuesday evening June 22nd. Anyone  
interested in IGSTK and/or image guidance is welcome to attend.  
Details will be sent after the SPIE meeting and the format will be  
similar to the previous CARS meetings in Berlin last June.

Third, our NIH grant renewal application is due to be reviewed in  
early February. Therefore, we have been trying to update our Google  
map (accessible from igstk.org) of users and interested groups. We may  
contact you shortly to verify your listing and ask for more  
information and I would appreciate your help.

With best regards. Please forward this message to anyone else you know  
who may be interested.

Kevin Cleary
IGSTK Principal Investigator


Kevin Cleary, Ph.D.
Professor & Director
Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
Department of Radiology
Georgetown University Medical Center
2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603
Washington, DC, 20007

Work phone: 202-687-8253
Work fax: 202-784-3479
Cell phone: 202-294-3409
Pager: 202-405-2367
cleary at georgetown.edu

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