[IGSTK-Developers] Review Tcon summary

Torleif Sandnes torleif.sandnes at sintef.no
Fri Jan 25 03:07:15 EST 2008

> 1. GetRenderWindowInteractor() in Widget class API? Need to have  
> example code to justify the need for this method call.

As mentioned in the TCON yesterday, I am using this in my ACS image  
I checked imageslice2drepresentation.h/txx into the sandbox which is  
the class for ACS imagerepresentations. It uses a subclass of  
vtkImagePlaneWidget, (vtkImagePlaneWidget2D) that needs a  
vtkRenderWindowInteractor. The class was not added to CMakeLists.txt;  
it wont compile without some modification as it depends on some other  
files in our application.

> 2. Move picker from Widget to View. No need to have AddObserver in  
> Widget class
I will still get the pick positions, only from the View instead of  
the widget, right?
I need pick events for registration and reslicing of 2D  
representations of volumes.

On a sidenote, I would very much like to be able to get the  
vtkProps / igstk representations from a pick event too. Do you think  
it would be possible to add this functionality to the view?



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