[IGSTK-Developers] Patient Safety in Surgery | A New Open Access Journal from Biomed Central

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Nov 15 05:18:12 EST 2007

Great news !

Biomed Central just announced the creation of a new Open Access journal:

                 "Patient Safety in Surgery":


See the Introductory Editorial here:



"For patients, surgical complications are analogous to "friendly fire"
in wartime. Both scenarios imply that harm is unintentionally done by
somebody whose aim was to help. One would assume that any patient
admitted to a hospital to undergo a surgical procedure should expect to
be better off after the intervention than before. However, while we, as
surgeons, strive to achieve excellent results and ideal patient
outcomes, we fail this noble task more often than we appreciate."



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