[IGSTK-Developers] Re: ITK Logger Bug

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu May 10 19:02:30 EDT 2007

Hi Patrick,

1)  Thanks for pointing out this bug in ITK.
     A fix has now been committed for it.

2) The functionality of writing out the time
    in a human-readable format has also been
    added to the itkLoggerBase class. You will
    have to update your ITK checkout in order
    to get this functionality.

    You should call in your logger the method:

       logger->SetTimeStampFormat( itk::LoggerBase::HUMANREADABLE );

    to get the time stamp in the format
    year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds.

    or you could call

       logger->SetTimeStampFormat( itk::LoggerBase::REALVALUE );

    in order to get the standard behavior, printing the
    time stamp in milliseconds.

If you have a chance,
please give it a try and let us know if you find any problem.



Patrick Cheng wrote:
> Hi Luis and Andinet,
> There is a minor bug in itkLoggerBase.cxx line 62
> I believe the third string should be "CRITICAL" instead of "ERROR" 
> according to the enum.
> Could you guys also add the feature of logging formated time early next 
> week? I really appreciate it.
> 4989 igstkLogMacro() & TimeStamp should output time in brokendown 
> date/time, instdead of milliseconds. Have both options, milliseconds for 
> easy computation, and broken down time for readability
> Thank you.
> Patrick

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