[IGSTK-Developers] IGSTK Book & Minutes for Jan 25

Patrick Cheng cheng at isis.georgetown.edu
Wed Jan 31 19:52:43 EST 2007

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay in sending out the minutes.

We have just finished the book. We will send it to the publisher 
tomorrow and release it on SPIE.
Please take a look at the book, we still have time to take in comments. 
Following is the link:


Pasted below is the minutes from the last meeting. Schedule wise, we 
will have Release 2.0 tcon on Feb 8^th , core
developers should attend this one. I will make the agenda for this 
meeting soon.
Please also mark March 8^th for the next monthly tcon.

Thank you,



Attendee: Noby, David, Kevin C., Patrick, Ziv, Frank, Kevin G., Julien, 
Luis, Andinet, Stephen


   1. Collaboration with Trondheim group (Frank)
          * Frank's highest priority is the support for ultrasound; and
            his group will work on implementing the frame grabber code.
          * Ziv suggested use tracker class architecture, such as time
            stamp and multi-thread.
          * Noby mentioned if there is a specific fame grabber we are
            going to support. He suggested use more generic frame
            grabber interface. He encountered some issue in updating
            driver for Linux system.
          * David suggested using QuickTime API
          * Luis mentioned there is fireware library. Its API will be
            the same across platforms
   2. IGSTK & Slicer (Noby)
          * Noby successfully added IGSTK into Slicer build tree
          * Patrick mentioned IGSTK doesn't export symbol in DLL, while
            Slicer loads other libraries dynamically.
          * Noby suggested make a small test case program when he is in
            DC on Feb 13^th .
   3. IGSTK: The Book (Note: by the time I am sending out this minutes,
      the book is already done )
          * Book release party on Sunday, February 18^th at SPIE, San Diego.
          * Some chapters need to be updated by author.
          * Book chapters are rearranged.
          * Book is under editor's review
   4. IGSTK Release 2.0 and SPIE
          * Demo at SPIE using the small Vicra tracker

Ziv suggested use foot paddle

Stephen suggested make a movie

Julien will give the IGSTK talk at Stephen's course

          * Release 2.0

David and Luis should close the bug

David mentioned a new bug submitted by Patrick for Landmark3DRegistration

David will change the API of the Tracker, and this should be reflected 
in IGSTK Release 2.0 and The Book. (*Book is done, put on hold this item*)

   5. Review action items.
          * Micron tracker. David will finish this by the end of March
   6. Schedule
          * Small IGSTK release 2.0 tcon Feb 8^th .
          * Move the next month tcon to March 8^th .
   7. Action Items:
          * (Frank) write the code for video components and frame grabber.
          * (PC) export dll, make a small case for slicer-igstk
            integration project
          * (AE) look into the Landmark3DRegistration bug
          * (PC) setup tcon for release.  Februry 8^th .
          * (LI) sandbox won't build with FLTK
          * (All) update version of ITK(3.0.1), VTK(5.0), CMake(2.4).
          * (All) add --DIGSTK_USE_FLTK option, to increase code coverage

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