[IGSTK-Developers] tracking and video

Ziv Yaniv zivy at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
Sun Jan 28 21:45:38 EST 2007

Hi all,

Some questions/comments related to the IGSTK video and tracking components:

1. While the micronTracker is a tracking device it does provide a video stream, should it inherit both from igstk::Tracker and igstk::RealtimeImager (made up generic name for all devices that produce image/volume streams)?

David, as it is a stereo system, do you get to choose which image it streams or does it stream both?

2. Is there a policy with regard to including GPL code as part of IGSTK, not the core, but utilities/add ons directory?

It would be nice to have the ARToolkit (http://www.hitl.washington.edu/artoolkit/) or ARToolkitPlus (http://studierstube.icg.tu-graz.ac.at/handheld_ar/artoolkitplus.php)in a utilities directory. This way students can use IGSTK as part of a course on IGS with webcam trackers or, believe it or not, in real IGS applications (S. Nicolau et al., "A complete augmented reality guidance system for liver punctures: First clinical evaluation",MICCAI'05).

This also raises the previous question, a web cam is both a RealtimeImager and a Tracker.

If including GPL'd code in a utilities directory is not a problem I may try to enlist some outside help from people not currently involved in the project, although I'm not too sure if they will bite.


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