[IGSTK-Developers] Re: Data repository

Stephen R. Aylward Stephen.Aylward at Kitware.com
Sat Jan 6 13:19:54 EST 2007

If you do a google on
"igstk data"
the first search result is the MIDAS repository...


Stephen R. Aylward wrote:
> Hi,
> When needing to distribute data (such as 3D ultrasound data) for the 
> IGSTK community, I suggest that we continue to use the MIDAS repository 
> that was created for IGSTK:
> http://www.insight-journal.org/dspace/handle/1926/378
> Let me know if you a login to upload data or if you have 
> questions/suggestions.
> Also - can we list this on the IGSTK Wiki and Web pages?
> Thanks,
> Stephen

Stephen R. Aylward, Ph.D.
Chief Medical Scientist
Kitware, Inc. - Chapel Hill Office
Phone: (518)371-3971 x300

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