[IGSTK-Developers] How do I use GenericImageSpatialObject?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Dec 20 07:35:17 EST 2007

Hi Torleif,

As you already figured out, the GenericImage requires a GenericReader.

Both of these classes will contain internally a pointer to an
itk::ImageBase object, and its actual pixel type will be determined
at run time by the reader. Both classes will contain a set of switch
statements that manage the multiple pixel types.

It is quite similar to the structure that VTK uses internally.
Andinet posted to the Insight Journal a while ago the classes
that are being used as code base for the GenericImage.

I'll take care of this class once we are done with the renaming
of the refactoring.



Torleif Sandnes wrote:
> Hi again.
> Having looked some more into the GenericImageSpatialObject class, I  
> don´t see how I should use the available imagereaders to read an  image 
> into a GenericImageSpatialObject. There are some hints about a
> class called ImageReaderToGenericImageSpatialObject, but I cannot  find 
> this class?
> Do any of you know if this class is written yet?
> Thanks,
> Torleif_______________________________________________
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