[IGSTK-Developers] Book chapter outline

Kevin Gary kgary at asu.edu
Thu Mar 23 11:15:52 EST 2006

I have posted a book chapter outline on the Wiki
under the Book page --> Software Development Process.
I downloaded MacTex but I need to get familiar with
it so I can redo in Latex. Hey, at least the outline
isn't in Word!

I also do not have a cvs username and password, can
somebody at kitware set me up?

In doing the outline several questions were raised in my mind:

1. Do we expect IGSTK application developers to work directly
   in the IGSTK source tree or to use CMake to "point to" it?
2. I recall a discussion about creating compile-time safety
   checks for things like the hardware/OS platform (if someone
   writes non-portable application code) and for the presence
   of proper versions of IGSTK, ITK, VTK, etc. Did we ever
   do this? Are we?
3. I am somewhat assuming the process chapter should be as much
   for application developers as component developers, as we
   expect more activity at the application level. Are we going
   to support application developers with things like a
   clearinghouse of application examples, public DART, etc?


Kevin A. Gary, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
kgary at asu.edu

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