[IGSTK-Developers] tcon today and book chapters

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Mar 23 09:59:27 EST 2006

Hi Kevin,

Your (evil) Word document has now been converted to Latex.  :-)

You can see the conversion through the ViewCVS page


Kevin Cleary wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> Don’t forget the tcon today at 1 pm! Attached is my chapter of the book 
> and as you can see it needs it look of work (plus it is in the most 
> hated and dread Word format!)
> But we have to start somewhere so we will ask people today to update us 
> on the status of their chapters. Even if you just have an outline please 
> send it around, or send a note from your mother as an excuse ;)
> Kevin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kevin Cleary, Ph.D.                        Work phone: 202-687-8253
> Associate Professor                        Work fax: 202-784-3479
> Deputy Director 
> Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
> Department of Radiology                    Pager: 202-901-2033
> Georgetown University Medical Center       Cell phone: 202-294-3409
> 2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603           Home phone: 301-299-0788
> Washington, DC, 20007                      Home fax: 301-299-0789
> ISIS center: www.isis.georgetown.edu <http://www.isis.georgetown.edu/>
> Research group: www.caimr.georgetown.edu <http://www.caimr.georgetown.edu/>
> WashCAS: www.washcas.org <http://www.washcas.org/>
> Email: cleary at georgetown.edu <mailto:cleary at georgetown.edu>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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