[IGSTK-Developers] Reminder- Bug database clean up

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Wed Jun 14 22:30:41 EDT 2006

Hi Andinet,

I went through the bugtracker, and luckily even though there are 219 
bugs that are "open" the situation isn't quite that bad.

- 51 of the "open bugs" were requirements, not actual bugs

- 20 bugs (approximately) were labeled "resolved" and could be relabeled 
as "closed", I've already done this relabeling for Hee-Su's bug fixes.

On top of these, I've just finished closing another 55 bugs for which I 
had identified valid fixes for in the CVS logs.

So that leaves 92 bugs (at 10:30pm)... smaller than 219, but still a 
formidable number.  I arrived at this count by getting the total bug 
count, and subtracting the "closed", "resolved", and "verified" entries 
(all the "verified" entries are requirements).

 - David

Andinet Enquobahrie wrote:
> Developers,
> This is a reminder for all developers to go thorough the bug tracker 
> and close entries that have already been taken care of ( As of today, 
> there are 219 open entries!!) .  By the way, this is an action item 
> for all developers from  last week's tcon. I will be generating 
> another bug statistics table right before the tcon tomorrow.
> thank you
> -Andinet
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