[IGSTK-Developers] Re: Documentation link on igstk.org

Andinet Enquobahrie andinet.enqu at kitware.com
Fri Feb 10 16:27:41 EST 2006

Kevin Cleary wrote:

>Can you add this to the Wiki (Andinet) 


>and the web site (Julien)
>"Acknowledgement: funding from NIBIB/NIH grant 2R42EB000374-02"
>It is critical to put this on as we have to acknowledgement the sponsor so
>it should be visible on the home page (at the bottom is OK)
>Everyone, don't forget to include this acknowledgement whenever appropriate,
>particularly since I plan to hit them up for more funding soon
>Kevin Cleary, Ph.D.                        Work phone: 202-687-8253
>Associate Professor                        Work fax: 202-784-3479
>Deputy Director  
>Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
>Department of Radiology                    Pager: 202-901-2033
>Georgetown University Medical Center       Cell phone: 202-294-3409
>2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603           Home phone: 301-299-0788
>Washington, DC, 20007                      Home fax: 301-299-0789
>ISIS center: www.isis.georgetown.edu
>Research group: www.caimr.georgetown.edu
>WashCAS: www.washcas.org
>Email: cleary at georgetown.edu
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andinet Enquobahrie [mailto:andinet.enqu at kitware.com] 
>Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 11:06 AM
>To: Julien Jomier
>Cc: cleary at georgetown.edu
>Subject: Documentation link on igstk.org
>It would be great if you can add more stuff to the documentation page on 
>"igstk.org" which is currently empty.  The following useful 
>documentation links are buried deep down in the Wiki and they should be 
>easily accessible by first time visitors of the "igstk.org" website. 
>Availably of several documentation would encourage developers/users to 
>try out IGSTK.
>Doxygen documentation link
>   http://public.kitware.com/dashboard.php?name=igstk
>    http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/IGSTK:Tutorial
>    pdf files of our MICCAI, SPIE and IEEE papers...

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