[IGSTK-Developers] Needle Biopsy App. Code to add for enabling validity of the Transform.

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Feb 2 22:12:48 EST 2006

Hi Patrick,

Here is the code that should be added to a static
(non-tracked) spatial object in order to ensure that
it is displayed on the scene:

   double validityTimeInMilliseconds = 1e10;

   igstk::Transform::VectorType translation;
   translation[0] = 0;
   translation[1] = 1;
   translation[2] = 2;

   igstk::Transform::VersorType rotation;
   rotation.Set( 0.707, 0.0, 0.707, 0.0 );

   igstk::Transform::ErrorType errorValue = 0.01; // 10 microns

   igstk::Transform transform;

       translation, rotation, errorValue, validityTimeInMilliseconds );

   ConeObject->RequestSetTransform( transform );

Of course, the values of the Translation and Rotation
must be adapted for the particular object that you
are displaying.


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