[IGSTK-Developers] working with the tracker classes

Ziv Yaniv zivy at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
Wed Dec 13 16:48:12 EST 2006

Hi All,

I am trying to work with the IGSTK tracking classes and I have two questions:

1. In the AuroraTracker we have the following two methods:
a. AttachSROMFileNameToPort (const unsigned int portNum, std::string fileName) assigns a tool description file to a specific port number.

b. GetToolTransform(unsigned int portNumber, unsigned int toolNumber, TransformType &position) const

I am a bit confused by these two methods. With the Aurora we can attach two tools to a single physical port (using a splitter). When I want to load the SROM file to each of these tools how do I do this? Are they simply port1 and port2. If this is the case then what does the toolNumber variable in the GetToolTransform() method mean. If on the other hand the port has a single number and the tools are also numbered my two tools will be referenced as [port1,tool1] [port1,tool2], then how do I load different SROM files for each of the tools?

2. How do I find out which tools are attached to the tracker by querying it? I couldn't find a way to do this. Another interesting thing is that I can ask the tracker for a transformation from a port that doesn't have a tool connected and from looking at the GetToolTransform() method nothing will alert me to this fact.

                                    advice appreciated

P.S. In the igstkAuroraTracker.cxx file there are two references to the Polaris tracker in the logger code (cut and paste strike again :) )

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