[IGSTK-Developers] IEEE Spectrum: Why Software Fails

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Sep 18 18:02:17 EDT 2005

IEEE Spectrum is featuring this month three
articles on Software Failure / Quality.

Particularly intersting are:

       "Why Software Fails"


       "The Exterminators"
        About the use of Formal Methods.


 From the first article it is worth to
highlight the following excerpts

Most common factors for failure:

    1. Unrealistic or unarticulated project goals
    2. Inaccurate estimates of needed resources
    3. Badly defined system requirements
    4. Poor reporting of the project's status
    5. Unmanaged risks
    6. Poor communication among customers, developers, and users
    7. Use of immature technology
    8. Inability to handle the project's complexity
    9. Sloppy development practices
   10. Poor project management
   11. Stakeholder politics
   12. Commercial pressures


The Software Hall of Shame table:


With a list of software projects that were cancelled
after a couple of billion dollars were spend on them.



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