[IGSTK-Developers] suggestion for annotation

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Thu Sep 8 23:46:01 EDT 2005

Hi Hee-su,

Using SpatialObject and ObjectRepresentation as base classes for
annotations is a good idea.
The way to think about it is that the text is data, the SpatialObject
associates a location with the text.

However, the TextObjectRepresentation2D can't ignore the transform,
because even in a 2D view we
sometimes want to be able to associate a particular data coordinate with
an annotation.

For annotations that are displayed in view coordinates, we need a
separate class from the one that
uses data coordinates.

- David

Hee-su Kim wrote:

> Hi, guys:
> I have a suggestion for annotation.
> We could just add TextSpatialObject, TextObjectRepresentation2D &
> TextObjectRepresentation3D instead of treating annotation as a special
> case.
> In this way, we could make annotation implementation consistent with
> the existing architecture.
> TextSpatialObject could be connected to another spatial object to get
> updates of transform.
> TextObjectRepresentation2D will ignore the transform of
> TextSpatialObject and just use 2D view coordinates.
> TextObjectRepresentation3D will display texts in 3D with some offset
> from the connected spatial object.(around another spatial object)
> Or, it could display with the transform of TextSpatialObject when
> TextSpatialObject doesn't have a connect spatial object.
> ImageReader and/or ImageSpatialObject should provide for patient&image
> information or give access to ImageIO class.(maybe explicit methods to
> give information will be preferred)
> That's it.
> Regards,
> Hee-Su
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