[IGSTK-Developers] Crash recovery?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Sep 8 18:32:34 EDT 2005

Hi Tina,

You may want to look at the discussion that David Gobbi put in the Wiki
on the topic of error management.


At this point IGSTK doesn't have a way of recovering from a crash.
This is actually an application level problem, more than a toolkit
level problem.

What we are trying hard to make sure at this point is ... that igstk
does NOT crash.

One possibility for offering crash recovery is to base all IGSTK
applications in an app-wide state machine, so some determinism
and structure can be enforced in the behavior of the application
as a whole.  We talked briefly about this option today at the tcon.

As you pointed out, the logger entries may provide a basis for a
recovery policy... but still it requires the cooperation of the
application as whole.  For example, if an application is doing
other operations that are not IGSTK-based, then there is no way
for IGSTK alone to recover the full state of the application as it
was before the crash.


Tina Kapur wrote:
> Hi,
> Does IGSTK have a mechanism for crash recovery?  I was making a wish list of
> what such a toolkit should have, and I can see how the logging mechanism
> could be used for recovery from a mid surgery crash, but just wanted to
> check if the feature was planned for anytime in the near future.
> Thanks.
> -Tina
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