[IGSTK-Developers] Where can I get the write access to the Sandbox CVS?

Hui Zhang zhang at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
Tue Nov 22 13:46:54 EST 2005

Hi, all,

I just finished the igstkPivotCalibration class as the first component in the calibration part. I have made:

1. Use IGSTK code style to reformat the class, and use igstkTransform and other types to replace the original one;
2. Add state machine to invoke the member functions to 'RequestAction' mechanic;
3. Add remark for the class, doxygen?;
4. Add an igstkPivotCalibrationTest program to the Sandbox to test the new class;
5. Record an input data file, and put it in the Data directory of Sandbox and test it with the program.

So, how can I get the write access to the Sandbox CVS so that I can commit the code for test and review?


Hui (James) Zhang, Ph.D.                 
Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
Department of Radiology                    
Georgetown University Medical Center       
2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603           
Washington, DC, 20007                      

Work phone: 202-687-2902
Work fax: 202-784-3479
Cell phone: 240-476-9361
MSN: zh_skyfox at hotmail.com
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