[IGSTK-Developers] Iteration-2 Tagged & Released

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Mar 26 09:25:27 EST 2005

The code for Iteration 2 has been moved from the Sandbox to
the main IGSTK cvs module. The repository has been tagged
using the tag:


The same tag was used for both CVS modules: IGSTK and Sandbox.

A large ammount of changes were done in order to restore the
code coverage from its drop to 67% back to 90%.

Instructions on how to build the Release 2 have been added to
the WIKI page


more specifically at:


Note that the Tracker was modified in order to use the igstkTransform
and to honor the igstkTimeStamp.  The Tracker, TrackerPort and
TrackerTool classes were modified to use SmartPointers instead of
references to local variables (which was causing some crashes in
the HelloWorld and TwoWindows demo applications).   This code will
be further refactored as part of Iteration 3.

Please let me know if you find any problems while building this



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