[IGSTK-Developers] This week's tcon

Kevin Gary garyk at unicon.net
Tue Jan 11 01:03:29 EST 2005

Greetings all,

A reminder that we will start up the weekly IGSTK tcons this
Thursday.  Please note there is a 1-hour time change, the meetings
have been moved up to 1pm EST.

As discussed at ISIS last week, we'd like to try and get through
project status relatively quickly each week and use the tcon for
more technical discussions.  In this spirit I have modified the
meeting agendas and minutes Wiki page (link below) to provide a
status template where you can quickly go and update to indicate
accomplishments for the week. I have also moved the Agenda to
the Wiki so team members can add items they feel are important
for the team to discuss.

If possible, please try to review the Agenda and fill in your
status by COB Wednesday. If you can take 15 minutes then, our
Thursday meetings will go faster and be more interesting. This
week's meeting still might have a bit more status but that's OK...

Kevin "Jr"


Kevin A. Gary, Ph.D.
Senior Software Architect
garyk at unicon.net

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