[IGSTK-Developers] Bug in igstkTracker with calibration transform

Julien Jomier jjomier at cs.unc.edu
Mon Dec 19 18:55:10 EST 2005


There is an important bug in the igstkTracker class preventing any 
calibration matrix to be applied correctly.

The problem is in the UpdateStatusSuccessProcessing() function.

The calibration transform should be applied first (rotation variable) 
and then the transform from the tracker (transform variable).
However the code is as follow:

rotation *= transform.GetRotation();

whis is in the wrong order and should be:

rotation = transform.GetRotation()*rotation;

Let me know if I should fix it, or if someone else is currently on the 
igstkTracker class right now or if I'm missing something...


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