[IGSTK-Developers] Good timestamp to build Sandbox with?

Stephen R. Aylward aylward at unc.edu
Tue Aug 16 16:03:43 EDT 2005

Julien wrote a very cool program called DashboardWatcher.

For IGSTK it is at

This DashboardWatcher page tells you the status of the current dashboard 
as well as the cvs update command (date) of the last stable dashboard.

According to it, and verified on the IGSTK dashboard from today
You should be able to use today's dashboard and get a good Sandbox build.

Other dashboardWatchers for ITK, etc are available at

Click on them to find out the cvs checkout command to get the lastest 
stable build from each of the listed toolkits.

Good luck with the coding - I'm burried in paper writing and 
reviewing...I dream of coding...but maybe it is better for ITK and IGSTK 
that I am not actually coding :)


Tina Kapur wrote:
> Hi, 
> Could someone suggest a good tag/timestamp to build the sandbox with?  I
> first tried with the source head, and then with the iteration-5 tag but am
> getting many compile errors… I will continue to experiment.  My IGSTK goal
> for today (I'm on PST in Seattle, so I have a few more hours than most of
> you!) is modest: I'd like to build and run one application that shows an
> image and some buttons (maybe even some simulated tracker input?), and will
> take any tips that could save me a few minutes.  Thanks.
> -Tina
> --
> Tina Kapur, Ph.D.
> tkapur at epiphanymedical.com
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Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
Associate Professor of Radiology
Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science and Surgery
aylward at unc.edu
(919) 966-9695

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