[Dart] Change server "batch processing" frequency?

Matt England mengland at mengland.net
Fri Mar 24 23:32:35 EST 2006

Answering my own question...

At 3/24/2006 10:26 PM, Matt England wrote:
>Is there I way that I can change the frequency of this batch processing to 
>run more often?

 From http://svn.na-mic.org:8000/svn/Dart/trunk/Dart.pdf rev 316 p24:

One task that is scheduled after each submission is received by the server 
is the XMLResultProcessor task.
This task performs the XML parsing of a submission and populates the 
Project database so the information
can be displayed on the Dashboard. Since the XML processing is scheduled as 
a task after a submission
is received, there is an inherent delay between the submission being 
received and when the data in the
submission is available for display on the Dashboard. To reduce this delay, 
you can change the schedule of
the QueueManager task. By default, the QueueManager runs every 10 minutes. 
You may want to reduce the
schedule of the QueueManager task to run every few seconds.
<!-- Reindex Tracks if the definition has changed every night at 2am -->
<Schedule>0 0 2 * * ?</Schedule>

I'm not sure exactly how I change things yet, but I'm sure this content is 
going to tell me after I digest it.


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