[Dart] Looking to create working ctest-to-dart-server link

Matt England mengland at mengland.net
Tue Mar 7 10:16:51 EST 2006

Dan et al,

At 3/7/2006 07:05 AM, Blezek, Daniel J \(GE, Research\) wrote:
>   Sorry this has taken so long to respond.  I added an XML example using 
> the new Dart format to the SVN repository: 
> ResultData/TestNewFormat.xml.gz.  It's fairly long, and should include 
> almost every type of Result (may not have images).

Ok, great.  Is this the file:



If so, then the format seems to be quite straightforward.  I'm attempting 
to make some reference docs for our own purpose.  If this all works, we'll 
wiki-fy it.  Can someone verify and/or correct the notes below?


The basic "stanza" seems to be the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- Note, we have a submission Jaxor object passed in -->
<DartSubmission version="2.0" createdby="ArchiveTask">

   <!-- BuildName will be the concationation of OS and Compiler -->

   <!-- DateTimeStamp is a non-locale specific date/timestamp following ISO -->

           <Measurement name="Completion Status" 
           <Measurement name="Execution Time" 
           <Measurement name="Output" type="text/text">myoutput</Measurement>


mysite = freeform
myfrequency = "Nightly" | ?
mydate = <!-- DateTimeStamp is a non-locale specific date/timestamp 
following ISO -->
mytestname = freeform | <.test.name.hierarchy> ?
mybinaryteststatus = "passed" | "failed" | ?
mybinarycompletionstatus = "Completed" | ?
myexectime = floating-point number in seconds
myoutput = freeform | stdout, stderr sections

...although I'm not sure of all the above assertions, and several have 
questions marks.  (Yes, the above documentation is not formal, and many not 
follow XML-DTD description-doc standards...I'm new to things XML in this area.)

An example instance:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- Note, we have a submission Jaxor object passed in -->
<DartSubmission version="2.0" createdby="ArchiveTask">

   <!-- BuildName will be the concationation of OS and Compiler -->

   <!-- DateTimeStamp is a non-locale specific date/timestamp following ISO -->

           <Measurement name="Completion Status" 
           <Measurement name="Execution Time" 
           <Measurement name="Output" type="text/text">Standard Output:

Standard Error:</Measurement>

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