[Dart] real quick Dart setup

Miller, James V (GE, Research) millerjv at crd.ge.com
Tue Feb 28 13:40:08 EST 2006

Unless Dan answers differently... you should be able to use the XML format in Custom Test Results/XML format.

-----Original Message-----
From: dart-bounces+millerjv=crd.ge.com at public.kitware.com [mailto:dart-bounces+millerjv=crd.ge.com at public.kitware.com]On Behalf Of Vignesh M.P.N.
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 1:15 PM
To: dart at public.kitware.com
Subject: [Dart] real quick Dart setup

Hi all


I am working with Matt England. Matt has asked me to setup Dart real fast.


What I need to do is just send a simplest request (XML content) either from a Dart client or CTest to the Dart server, to get this up and running.


I just read the "Quick install" section of http://svn.na-mic.org:8000/svn/Dart/trunk/Dart.pdf


If I follow those steps and I want to just test with a client.


To run "java -jar DartClient.jar TestProject Results.xml", do I need to create my own Results.xml or will it be sufficient if I just use the XML format in "Custom Test Results/XML format".


If I need to create my own Results.xml, please suggest me a simplest one.






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