[Dart] Re: HowTo make another Dart client likeCMake's ctest?

Matt England mengland at mengland.net
Fri Feb 24 20:28:56 EST 2006

At 2/24/2006 05:31 PM, Blezek, Daniel J \(GE, Research\) wrote:
>As I understand, your clients and servers might generate performance data 

...and lots of other things like internal unit tests, reporting back 
specific internal context of an error during the toplevel of a C++ 
exception handling block (in a big try{} statement), tests in very 
different contexts of system operations, etc etc etc.  We have a very 
distributed application, and there's so many different contexts, and we 
have a lot of distributed/remote control over the configurations/policies 
of applications that I believe that this "Dart client embedding" is such a 
natrual fit for us.

>Writing some utility classes that are easily and transparently converted 
>to XML and submitted would be great.

Speaking for my project, we may not have much problem forming the XML 
ourselves (with Xerces), but that remains to be seen, and a predefined C++ 
class may help.  We are doing it now with other things, but I'm going to 
want to learn more about "XML binding" (as per Scott's previous note) such 
that maybe even this can be simplified.

>I would suggest you could library-ize some of the ctest functionality that 
>is built around a XML-RPC for c.

This looks pretty good to me:  <http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/>

More details here:


>   We tend to avoid Xerces like the plague and write our XML directly (do 
> I hear a gasp from the XML gurus?).

Why is this?  I'd like to learn more from those seasoned from past 
experience; my project may very well benefit.

>   In point of fact, Frost, an internal predecessor to Dart had such an 
> API / library in Tcl and in Java.  It connected directly to the DB 
> though, which is not a very good idea...

Yes, the power comes from the "loose coupling" of making, effectively, web 
posts via XML-RPC from a client to a test-data collection 
server.  Extremely powerful for my application.  We had a major project 
planned for esssentially what Dart is...and I'm glad we didn't have to 
construct the server end of this project and that we already have Dart there.


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