[Dart] Where can one find CPack?

Andy Cedilnik andy.cedilnik at kitware.com
Tue Feb 21 11:01:53 EST 2006

Hi Matt,

It is tested on Windows, Mac OSX, and various unixes.

On Windows it requires NSIS, on Unixes it creates a self extracting 
Tar/Gz file, and on Mac it creates a package maker thing.

I am currently working in flushing all the necessary features of CPack 
for the NA-MIC tool called Slicer, as well as for couple of internal 

For now, you may want to look at how the top level CMake list file in 
CMake specifies CPack stuff.

You will have to use latest version (CVS) of CMake.


Matt England wrote:

> http://www.cmake.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Source/CPack/?root=CMake
> Does this stuff currently build and run in any capacity?  I might want 
> to at least reference it for my project's purposes, in case we can 
> glean some stuff in advance as we go making our distribution/platform 
> packages for all our systems (Windows, Debian, Redhat, BSDs, etc).

Andy Cedilnik
Kitware Inc.

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