[Dart] Re: Java build error:
com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider missing
Blezek, Daniel J (GE, Research)
blezek at crd.ge.com
Mon Feb 20 08:35:45 EST 2006
Hi Matt,
Welcome to Dart! You are right, there is not much traffic on the mailing list, mainly because we have not released 1.0 quite yet. We hope to have it out Real Soon Now(tm), but we said that 2 months ago...
The SSL support is required to use GMail as a SMTP server. Jim Miller did this work, he will likely comment as well. It shouldn't be much of a problem to make this a run time option, especially if it will enable a gcj compile.
By the way, brave work! I had played around with gcj a while ago, without success. If all works, it will be very nice to distribute a pre-compiled native binary, rather than bundle the JavaVM with the distribution. Have you run into any more problems? If so, please post patches and we can ensure the code compiles/runs against gcj.
Now I'm going to have a look at your junit failures.
-----Original Message-----
From: dart-bounces+blezek=crd.ge.com at public.kitware.com
[mailto:dart-bounces+blezek=crd.ge.com at public.kitware.com]On Behalf Of
Matt England
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:21 PM
To: dart at public.kitware.com
Subject: [Dart] Re: Java build error:
com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider missing
At 2/19/2006 04:55 PM, Matt England wrote:
>error: Class 'com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider' not found in type
> [javac] Security.addProvider(new
> com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider());
> [javac] ^
Once I commented out the "mail.smtp.startls.enable" support section (as per
below), everything built with gcj. (I haven't yet run the self-test/junit
tests thought, haven't install junit.)
Would it be best to eliminate a dependence on com.sun.net and use some
other "more-open" dependency? (Again, I'm far from a Java expert, just
speculating here.)
mengland at csbase1:~/svnwork/Dart/trunk$ svn diff
Index: Source/dart/server/messenger/SMTPMessenger.java
--- Source/dart/server/messenger/SMTPMessenger.java (revision 267)
+++ Source/dart/server/messenger/SMTPMessenger.java (working copy)
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@
// if we need to use transport layer security, add a security
// provider
- if (properties.getProperty("mail.smtp.starttls.enable") != null
- &&
properties.getProperty("mail.smtp.startls.enable").equals("true")) {
- Security.addProvider(new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider());
- }
+ //if (properties.getProperty("mail.smtp.starttls.enable") != null
+ //&&
properties.getProperty("mail.smtp.startls.enable").equals("true")) {
+ //Security.addProvider(new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider());
+ //}
MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession);
mengland at csbase1:~/svnwork/Dart/trunk$
mengland at csbase1:~/svnwork/Dart/trunk$ svnversion .
mengland at csbase1:~/svnwork/Dart/trunk$ svn status
? TestLog
? 1
? Class
? Source/qed/server/wrap
M Source/dart/server/messenger/SMTPMessenger.java
mengland at csbase1:~/svnwork/Dart/trunk$ svn info
Path: .
URL: http://svn.na-mic.org:8000/svn/Dart/trunk
Repository UUID: b2c14c61-d7ef-0310-8715-841e9ab387fe
Revision: 267
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: millerjv
Last Changed Rev: 267
Last Changed Date: 2006-02-15 16:46:01 -0500 (Wed, 15 Feb 2006)
Properties Last Updated: 2006-02-19 14:57:19 -0500 (Sun, 19 Feb 2006)
mengland at csbase1:~/svnwork/Dart/trunk$ date
Sun Feb 19 18:19:59 EST 2006
mengland at csbase1:~/svnwork/Dart/trunk$ uname -a
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