[Dart] Problem running a submit...

Lee A Ankeny laa at lanl.gov
Mon Jun 21 18:30:59 EDT 2004

Your problems are with DROP_METHOD=ftp I believe? You might try DROP_METHOD=http. It's working for me where ftp does not.


At 5:19 PM -0500 6/21/04, David Cleaver wrote:
>"Lorensen, William E (Research)" wrote:
>> When you run cmake, are you specifying the location for Dart?
>I don't think so.  How do I do that?  (I didn't see it mentioned on any of
>the cmake web pages.)
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Lee Ankeny
Group CCN-12, MS B295, Los Alamos, NM 87545
505-665-0195, FAX 505-665-5402, e-mail laa at lanl.gov

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