[Ctk-developers] ctkjs

Steve Pieper pieper at isomics.com
Sun May 31 09:10:48 EDT 2015

Hi Yves -

Yes, I will be at CARS and would be glad to chat about these subjects.  If
anyone else is around and wants to meet let me know.

I have also played with jqmobile and jquery-ui and they work pretty well,
but I think polymer is looking good as a next generation widget set to
build on.  Of course these things seem to change on a daily basis.


On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Yves Martelli <yves.martelli at gmail.com>

> Hi Steve,
> I would be interested! I'm using jquery-mobile for mobile compatible
> widgets.
> Will you have some free time during CARS in Barcelona to talk about this?
> I'm not going but won't be far away!
> Best,
> Yves
> Steve Pieper a écrit:
> Hi CTKers -
> Is anyone else interested in having a CTK-like set of widgets in
> javascript?
> Nicolas, Rudolph, and I have been musing that for some of our applications
> we'd like to have something very much like our beloved set of CTK widget
> functionality [1,2] but reimagined for the web.
> The spirit and requirements are very similar to current CTK, but we're
> thinking for this use case we would use polymer [3] in the role of Qt.  We
> are also planning to have a set of rendering utilities based on threejs [4]
> and have those layered into the API much like CTK's visualization widgets.
> Nicolas and Rudolph are part of the team [5] that developed SliceDrop [6]
> which has been really popular but is in need of this kind of new
> development.
> Let us know if anyone objects to the name ctkjs for this effort.  Also any
> thoughts, suggestions, or words of encouragement would be welcome!
> -Steve
> [1] http://www.commontk.org/index.php/Documentation/WidgetPlans
> [2] http://www.commontk.org/index.php/Documentation/ImageGallery
> [3] https://www.polymer-project.org
> [4] http://threejs.org/
> [5] https://github.com/FNNDSC
> [6] http://slicedrop.com/
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