[Ctk-developers] CTK plugin framework tutorial/example

Florian Ganglberger Florian.Ganglberger at student.i-med.ac.at
Fri May 24 13:48:12 EDT 2013

Thank you for your suggestion, but I think the Plus toolkit is not
directly what we need. What we want to do is to use CTK as a
lightweight framework for our own applications, so we can make several
plugins and merge them for different purposes. Anyway, the Plus
toolkit looks quite nice for some of our projects, we'll take it into
consideration ;-)

2013/5/24 Andras Lasso <lasso at cs.queensu.ca>:
> I would suggest to use the Plus toolkit (www.plustoolkit.org). Plus can
> connect to multiple imaging and tracking devices simultaneously, acquire,
> synchronize, record data, stream through OpenIGTLink, contains spatial and
> temporal calibration algorithms, etc.
> For visualization there is no need to develop any new software, you can just
> stream the Plus output to 3D Slicer and visualize everything there (see
> www.slicerigt.org).
> All open-source, non-restrictive license, fully customizable, extensible,
> etc. with good training & support (email/remote desktop/personal visit), all
> free. So, consider using these existing platforms before start coding.
> Andras
> ________________________________
> Andras Lasso, PhD
> Senior Medical Image Computing & Applications Engineer
> Associate Director of Laboratory for Percutanous Surgery
> School of Computing
> Queen's University
> Kingston, ON, CANADA
> Email: lasso at cs.queensu.ca
> Web: http://perk.cs.queensu.ca
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ctk-developers-bounces at commontk.org
> [mailto:ctk-developers-bounces at commontk.org] On Behalf Of Florian
> Ganglberger
> Sent: May 24, 2013 9:07 AM
> To: ctk-developers at commontk.org
> Subject: [Ctk-developers] CTK plugin framework tutorial/example
> Hi all,
> I'm new to CTK. Me and my colleges want to develop a CTK application that
> involves IGSTK for tracking. Unfortunately we can not find any suitable
> example application / tutorial to learn how to use the plugin framework. Do
> you have any suggestions for us? Or maybe a nice person can send us a
> minimal example application ;-)
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