[Ctk-developers] Crash in ~OFCondition()

Julien Finet julien.finet at kitware.com
Wed Feb 1 17:16:52 EST 2012

Hi Jorg,

Thanks for trying out and sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

I wrote a simpler project that reproduces the crash, can you try it on your
machine ?

If you look at the structure of the project, to crash I need 2 shared
libraries that include the same  diregist.h file.

Let me know how it goes. For information, I use the same DCMTK built by CTK:
$ ccmake -DDCMTK_DIR=~/Work/CTK/CTK-noPython/CMakeExternals/Install ../src


On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 3:29 AM, OFFIS DICOM Team <dicom at offis.de> wrote:

> Hi Julien,
>  To reproduce, simply run ctkDICOM (in Applications/ctkDICOM) in a linux
>> environment Ubuntu 11.10, gcc 4.6.1. For information, please note that I
>> can't reproduce the issue on my ubuntu 10.4.
> as promised yesterday, I checked it on my private notebook with Ubuntu
> 11.10 (x86_64, gcc 4.6.1), but could not reproduce the crash.
> Regards,
> Jörg Riesmeier
> --
> OFFIS DICOM Team, Escherweg 2, 26121 Oldenburg, Germany
> E-Mail: dicom at offis.de, URL: http://dicom.offis.de
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