[Ctk-developers] Ctk-developers Digest, Vol 26, Issue 6

Sascha Zelzer s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Mon Sep 19 12:19:11 EDT 2011

Hi Jc,

thanks for the pointer, but I would rather not modify the original 
QtSOAP code. Besides, ctkSingleton.h wouldn't change the fact that the 
singleton would be duplicated if it is defined in a static lib and 
linked from multiple shared libs.


On 09/19/2011 05:19 PM, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin wrote:
> Good catch !
> For proper implementation of Singleton, you could refer to ctkSingleton.h
> See https://github.com/commontk/CTK/blob/master/Libs/Core/ctkSingleton.h
> Thanks
> Jc
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Sascha Zelzer 
> <s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de <mailto:s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de>> wrote:
>     You're welcome! Thanks to you for your debugging efforts and
>     detailed reports here.
>     -Sascha
>     On 09/19/2011 04:18 PM, Anthony Dass wrote:
>>     Hello Sascha,
>>     Its really great to know about this fix!. Thank you so much for
>>     fixing this so quickly. It would really help us, i'll try with
>>     this version.
>>     Once again thank you very much!
>>     Thanks,
>>     ~Anthony
>>     On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 7:59 AM, Sascha Zelzer
>>     <s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de
>>     <mailto:s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de>> wrote:
>>         Hi Anthony,
>>         I finally investigated the issue under Windows (I could not
>>         reproduce it on Linux) and just pushed a fix for it to CTK.
>>         Please update your CTK sources and build CTK at the
>>         superbuild level (this should update the QtSOAP library) to
>>         fix the namespace issue.
>>         Here is the technical stuff why it went wrong ;-)
>>         QtSOAP was build as a static library but it used a singleton
>>         called QtSoapNamespace in its code. So using singletons from
>>         a static library in multiple DLLs is a bad idea and this is
>>         why the namespaces where missing for some QtSoapMessage
>>         instances (they where initialized in one DLL, which filled
>>         this DLLs QtSOAPNamespace singleton with namespace entries,
>>         but serialized to XML in an other DLL, whose singleton did
>>         not know anything about the namespaces).
>>         Best,
>>         Sascha
>>         On 09/14/2011 03:24 AM, Anthony Dass wrote:
>>>         Hi Sascha and Ben,
>>>         I noticed that only on submitting the SOAP request the
>>>         namespaces is getting lost but for the same submission the
>>>         response shows the valid message with the namespace included.
>>>         So, in the ctkSoapClient class, I just tried creating the
>>>         QtSoapType object (as below) to set  as a method arguments
>>>         and this works! - gets the required namespace as expected
>>>         and the SOAP message is valid one. However if we do the same
>>>         construction in  ctkDicomHostService and pass to the
>>>         ctkSimpleSoapClient object via function call, it doesn't
>>>         seem to work. do you have any clue?
>>>         //created in submitSoapRequest of the ctkSimpleSoapClient  class
>>>         QtSoapType* soapType = new
>>>         QtSoapSimpleType(QtSoapQName("state"),
>>>         ctkDicomSoapState::toStringValue(ctkDicomAppHosting::IDLE));
>>>         request.addMethodArgument(soapType);
>>>         Below is the SOAP message of the request and response.
>>>         submit Request(request, d->Path); - namespace missing in the
>>>         type attribute
>>>         =========================
>>>         <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
>>>         xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
>>>         SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
>>>         xmlns:xsd="htt
>>>         p://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema
>>>         <http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema>">
>>>         <SOAP-ENV:Body
>>>         xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
>>>         <setState xmlns="http://wg23.dicom.nema.org/">
>>>         <state :type="xsd:string">CANCELED</state>
>>>         </setState>
>>>         </SOAP-ENV:Body>
>>>         </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
>>>         Got Response. Response:  - name space for type attribute is
>>>         present.
>>>         =========================
>>>         "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope
>>>         xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
>>>         SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
>>>         xml
>>>         ns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema">
>>>         <SOAP-ENV:Body
>>>         xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
>>>         <SOAP-ENV:setState
>>>         xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
>>>         <SOAP-ENV:setStateResponse
>>>         xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
>>>         xsi:type="xsd:boolean"
>>>         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance">false</SOAP-ENV:setStateResponse>
>>>         </SOAP-ENV:setState>
>>>         </SOAP-ENV:Body>
>>>         </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
>>>         Thank you!
>>>         /Anthony
>>>         On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 4:31 AM, Benoit Bleuze
>>>         <benoit.bleuze at inria.fr <mailto:benoit.bleuze at inria.fr>> wrote:
>>>             We indeed completely depend on QtSoap for creating the
>>>             Soap messages. If the soap message looks like this
>>>             before any parsong, there is definitely something wrong
>>>             in QtSoap.
>>>             However it was tha case, I would understand that our
>>>             implementation works only on our host, but it also works
>>>             with XIP, which is not based on QtSoap.
>>>             So either this attribute is simply ignored by the java
>>>             implementation, or there is some preprocessing that
>>>             strips part of the message?
>>>             Definitely worth investigating...
>>>             ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                 Hello Sascha and Ben,
>>>                 Thank you very much for the quick and detailed answers.
>>>                 In addition, when we tried to validate the message
>>>                 using the online validations -
>>>                 http://www.xmlvalidation.com we also see the type
>>>                 attribute :type="xsd:string" is not a valid XML
>>>                 attribute string and also it looks that the
>>>                 namespace name is missing here. The string should be
>>>                 either type="xsd:string" if no namespace is
>>>                 used(without leading colon), or this
>>>                 xmlns:type="xsd:string" if xmlns is a namespace name.
>>>                 Since the method addMethodAttribute
>>>                 of QtSoapmessage is setting this, is that we need to
>>>                 change in the QtSoap module? or any other options?
>>>                 please advice.
>>>                 thank you very much!
>>>                 /Anthony
>>>                 On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 6:47 AM,
>>>                 <ctk-developers-request at commontk.org
>>>                 <mailto:ctk-developers-request at commontk.org>> wrote:
>>>                     Send Ctk-developers mailing list submissions to
>>>                     ctk-developers at commontk.org
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>>>                     When replying, please edit your Subject line so
>>>                     it is more specific
>>>                     than "Re: Contents of Ctk-developers digest..."
>>>                     Today's Topics:
>>>                       1. Re: CTK based Hosted App fails when
>>>                     launched from Non-CTK
>>>                          Host (Benoit Bleuze)
>>>                     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                     Message: 1
>>>                     Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2011 12:46:30 +0200 (CEST)
>>>                     From: Benoit Bleuze <benoit.bleuze at inria.fr
>>>                     <mailto:benoit.bleuze at inria.fr>>
>>>                     Subject: Re: [Ctk-developers] CTK based Hosted
>>>                     App fails when launched
>>>                            from Non-CTK Host
>>>                     To: Sascha Zelzer <s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de
>>>                     <mailto:s.zelzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de>>
>>>                     Cc: Anthony Dass <antdass at gmail.com
>>>                     <mailto:antdass at gmail.com>>,
>>>                     ctk-developers at commontk.org
>>>                     <mailto:ctk-developers at commontk.org>
>>>                     Message-ID:
>>>                     <610925954.61455.1315478790178.JavaMail.root at zmbs4.inria.fr
>>>                     <mailto:610925954.61455.1315478790178.JavaMail.root at zmbs4.inria.fr>>
>>>                     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>>                     Hi Anthony, Sascha gave you all the technical
>>>                     answers we had in stock so far, but I can add a
>>>                     bit of context here, it may help. As Sascha
>>>                     said, the state/newState switch is due to XIP
>>>                     not following the specifications. And your
>>>                     change is valid. We started with "state", but
>>>                     the only other host we could use being XIP, we
>>>                     changed it. You are welcome to revert it. I
>>>                     think we notified Larry (Lawrence Tarbox) of
>>>                     that problem during the last hackfest in Chapel
>>>                     Hill. Eventually XIP will change its API there
>>>                     (or so I hope). Replacing the WSDL files doesn't
>>>                     change anything since we don't use them to
>>>                     generate the interface, all the messages are
>>>                     hard coded soap messages constructed from C++.
>>>                     Now I know nothing of the WCF unfortunately, so
>>>                     I can't tell you whether the "type:" keyword is
>>>                     misinterpreted or whatever. Sascha's suggestion
>>>                     of changing the casing sounds promising to me. I
>>>                     remember we used capitals in some actions ,
>>>                     following the WSDL actually, and had to change
>>>                     it afterwards for
>>>                      specifications and XIP compatibility. I
>>>                     remember Larry telling us the WSDL provided in
>>>                     the specs was not up to date, and thus we
>>>                     provide an updated (or at least it was valid
>>>                     last february) set of WSDL (and siblings) files
>>>                     there:
>>>                     http://www.commontk.org/index.php/File:Wsdl_ft.zip
>>>                     Note that they also have actions starting with
>>>                     capitals. I have a faint memory of Larry giving
>>>                     us an explanation as to why they were upper
>>>                     cased, but I can't remember the reason, my guess
>>>                     is that the .Net implementation forced them to
>>>                     do so. And it is very well possible that the XIP
>>>                     java implementation accepts both casing and the
>>>                     .NET or WCF are stricter, so I guess you'll have
>>>                     to choose between the proposed WSDL and the
>>>                     specifications... Keep us posted of your
>>>                     progress. Ben ----- Original Message -----
>>>                     > Hi Anthony,
>>>                     > Welcome to the ctk-developers list.
>>>                     > > We've tried adapting one of our DICOM
>>>                     application into a CTK Based
>>>                     > > Hosted App. It works well when tried with
>>>                     the ctkhost - we could
>>>                     > > launch the app, load the DICOM data and get
>>>                     through different states
>>>                     > > as well.
>>>                     > So far, good news.
>>>                     > > However when tried launching the same app
>>>                     with different non-ctk
>>>                     > > based
>>>                     > > host, it launches our app but fails to load
>>>                     any data. This non-ctk
>>>                     > > based host seems to be written using the WCF
>>>                     as per specification in
>>>                     > > DICOM 118.
>>>                     > Please note that we could only test our
>>>                     implementation against the XIP
>>>                     > host (written in Java) so far. So the problems
>>>                     you are experiencing
>>>                     > might very well relate to our implementation.
>>>                     > > On investigating, we noticed that the
>>>                     initial ?IDLE? message sent by
>>>                     > > the App upon launch is not getting processed
>>>                     by the Non-CTK based
>>>                     > > host.
>>>                     > > When traced the SOAP communication, we found
>>>                     out that the messages
>>>                     > > from the plug-in are getting to the host,
>>>                     but then they are not
>>>                     > > processed by WCF because of some WSDL
>>>                     contacts mismatch. Thus the
>>>                     > > host
>>>                     > > does not receive any messages. Here?s the
>>>                     log message:
>>>                     > > < Message > The message with Action ''
>>>                     cannot be processed at the
>>>                     > > receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch
>>>                     at the
>>>                     > > EndpointDispatcher.
>>>                     > > This may be because of either a contract
>>>                     mismatch (mismatched
>>>                     > > Actions
>>>                     > > between sender and receiver) or a
>>>                     binding/security mismatch between
>>>                     > > the sender and the receiver. Check that
>>>                     sender and receiver have the
>>>                     > > same contract and the same binding
>>>                     (including security requirements,
>>>                     > > e.g. Message, Transport, None). </ Message >
>>>                     > > When debugging the WCF processing of the
>>>                     message we get the
>>>                     > > deserialization error:
>>>                     > > "The ':' character, hexadecimal value 0x3A,
>>>                     cannot be included in a
>>>                     > > name. Line 4, position 11."
>>>                     > > Here?s the SOAP message braced between the
>>>                     CTK-plugin and Non-CTK
>>>                     > > based Host:
>>>                     > > < SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV = "
>>>                     > > http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ "
>>>                     SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle =
>>>                     > > "
>>>                     > > http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ "
>>>                     xmlns:xsd = "
>>>                     > > http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema " >
>>>                     > > < SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:SOAP-ENV = "
>>>                     > > http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ " >
>>>                     > > < notifyStateChanged xmlns = "
>>>                     http://wg23.dicom.nema.org/ " >
>>>                     > > < newState :type = " xsd:string " > IDLE </
>>>                     newState >
>>>                     > > </ notifyStateChanged >
>>>                     > > </ SOAP-ENV:Body >
>>>                     > > </ SOAP-ENV:Envelope >
>>>                     > > We can see the ?:type? item in the newState
>>>                     element that?s causing
>>>                     > > the
>>>                     > > error in WCF. Also, per DICOM supplement 118
>>>                     it should be called
>>>                     > > ?state?, not ?newState?.
>>>                     > Looking at the debug output from the CTK
>>>                     hosted app, the xml namespace
>>>                     > for the "type" attribute in the "newState" tag
>>>                     is intact. So I am
>>>                     > wondering it the output above has already been
>>>                     modified somehow by the
>>>                     > WCF host or if it is the original message from
>>>                     the CTK hosted app.
>>>                     > > Here?s the example of the SOAP message
>>>                     generated by Non-CTK based
>>>                     > > HostedApp: < s:Envelope xmlns:s = "
>>>                     > > http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ "
>>>                     > < s:Body > <
>>>                     > > NotifyStateChanged xmlns = "
>>>                     > >
>>>                     http://dicom.nema.org/PS3.19/HostService-20100825 "
>>>                     > < state > IDLE
>>>                     > > </ state > </ NotifyStateChanged > </ s:Body
>>>                     > </ s:Envelope >
>>>                     > > Next, we tried changing ?newState? to
>>>                     ?state? but again it fails
>>>                     > > when
>>>                     > > tried with the non-ctk based host and
>>>                     producing the same error.
>>>                     > I think it is still either related to the
>>>                     ":type" attribute or the
>>>                     > error described below. Concerning
>>>                     state/newState, please also see my
>>>                     > comments below.
>>>                     > > ...
>>>                     > > 2011-09-06 17:17:59,609 <faultstring
>>>                     xsi:type="xsd:string"
>>>                     > > xmlns:xsi="
>>>                     > > http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance
>>>                     ">The message with Action
>>>                     > > ''
>>>                     > > cannot be processed at the receiver, due to
>>>                     a ContractFilter
>>>                     > > mismatch
>>>                     > > at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be
>>>                     because of either a contract
>>>                     > > mismatch (mismatched Actions between sender
>>>                     and receiver) or a
>>>                     > > binding/security mismatch between the sender
>>>                     and the receiver. Check
>>>                     > > that sender and receiver have the same
>>>                     contract and the same binding
>>>                     > > (including security requirements, e.g.
>>>                     Message, Transport,
>>>                     > > None).</faultstring> ...
>>>                     > This actually hints at a problem concerning
>>>                     the action names. Looking
>>>                     > at the WSDL, the operation names start with
>>>                     upper case latters, where
>>>                     > we are using lower case (unfortunately, the
>>>                     text in the DICOM Part 19
>>>                     > specs refer to the method names with starting
>>>                     lower case letters).
>>>                     > > I even tried replacing the WSDL files with
>>>                     the one provided by
>>>                     > > Non-CTK
>>>                     > > based host, but still it doesn?t seem to work.
>>>                     > Yes, that does not change the actual behavior.
>>>                     > > When looked at the code, I noticed a comment
>>>                     in the CTK code (below
>>>                     > > methods) ?spec would be "state", java has
>>>                     "newState" FIX
>>>                     > > JAVA/STANDARD?. Could this be something we
>>>                     need to look for? If so
>>>                     > > may
>>>                     > > I know what would be the change in Java side.
>>>                     > Unfortunately, again, the text in the specs
>>>                     refer to "newState" for
>>>                     > the argument name and this is what the XIP
>>>                     host is using. So we used
>>>                     > it too for testing with XIP. But I agree that
>>>                     the WSDL should be the
>>>                     > definite guide and we should use "state" when
>>>                     not testing with XIP.
>>>                     > My advice would be to keep your modification
>>>                     ("newState" -> "state")
>>>                     > and also try to modify the action (method)
>>>                     names in
>>>                     > ctkDicomAppService.cpp (lines 40 - 60) to use
>>>                     upper case for the first
>>>                     > letter.
>>>                     > I would be happy if you could keep us posted
>>>                     about your progress.
>>>                     > Thanks,
>>>                     > Sascha
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