[Ctk-developers] hack-fest TCon highlights

Benoit Bleuze benoit.bleuze at inria.fr
Wed Oct 12 07:08:26 EDT 2011

Hi all, 
This is not exactly minutes, but more highlights, since you will find all the meaningful information concerning the hackfest on the wiki page: 

- Logistics: 
All the people who confirmed their presence are now in a table on the page, you might want to add your name if not yet done. Please also state if you wish to try to group a booking with the others in a single hotel or not. 
I am trying to contact a few convenient hotels and will tell you soon whether we can get group price, but do not hold your breath on that: touristic area, etc... 

- Hackfest Topics: 
All should start to work on the roadmap before the hackfest as to avoid spending too much time on it during the week. There are stubs and initial documents to be found from the wiki page. Work from those in an iterative fashion. 

The other topics are on the page, feel free to complete them, or to work on them ahead of the fest. 

- VPH workshop: 
Some showed interest in coming, Sascha and Marco will definitely come. 

- Additional participants: 
Some invitations will be sent to a few people who showed a keen interest in the project recently. We will add them to the list of participants if they respond positively. 

Two other phone meetings have been set up (on the wiki, again) try to be there! 

That's all for now, stay tuned for the list of hotels, later today if all goes well., 
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