[Ctk-developers] how to enable logging

OFFIS DICOM Team dicom at offis.de
Wed Nov 2 11:33:47 EDT 2011

Hi Miklos,

just returned from vacation, so this answer is pretty late:

Am 21.10.2011 19:06, schrieb Miklos Espak:
> Hi,
> how to enable logging in CTK? I enabled the Log4Qt option in CTK and
> rebuilt it, but it is apparently not enough. Do I have to create a config
> file? The syntax is like for Log4J?

If it is relevant for you to also configure the DICOM-related logging the
logging detail, i.e. format, destination and so on, you might be interested
in little howtos in our wiki:


All the best,

OFFIS DICOM Team, Escherweg 2, 26121 Oldenburg, Germany
E-Mail: dicom at offis.de, URL: http://dicom.offis.de

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