[Ctk-developers] Fwd: [GitHub] modalitiesInStudy not read correctly and more Modality related issues [commontk/CTK GH-15]

Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin jchris.fillionr at kitware.com
Mon May 2 11:57:01 EDT 2011

Is somebody looking into that issue ?


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From: toromand <
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Date: Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 7:29 AM
Subject: [GitHub] modalitiesInStudy not read correctly and more Modality
related issues [commontk/CTK GH-15]
To: jchris.fillionr at kitware.com

in CTK/Libs/DICOM/Core/ctkDICOMDatabase.cpp
the tag DCM_ModalitiesInStudy is not read correctly
Instead of:
dataset->findAndGetOFString(DCM_ModalitiesInStudy, modalitiesInStudy);
it should be:
dataset->findAndGetOFStringArray(DCM_ModalitiesInStudy, modalitiesInStudy);
to allow reading multiple modalities (XX\YY\ZZ)

Also, you might consider more "standard" way of performing the query with
the modalities filter. Although the fact that many SCP implement search by
the ModalitiesInStudy tag, it is not according to the DICOM standard and is
rather a IHE extension with undefined behavior when used as a search
criterion (well, it works well with dcm4chee). So it might now work with all
DICOM compliant SCPs. The "proper" way (according to DICOM specifications)
would be to perform a query for all needed modalities and combine the

3. Rather more important issue is that the current database design lacks a
VERY important thing. In DICOM, modalities are part of Series, not the
Study, and the ModalitiesInStudy is "informative" and new feature that you
should use on Study level for information on the Study, but in your current
implementation, you don't have the information on the actual modality of
every series. This is a very important information and it is missing
although it exists in the dataset. So at present with (1) not fixed you get
for study with 2 modalities (XA/OT)
instead of
STUDY (XA/OT)  -----> *with (1) fixed
 - SERIES 1 (XA)
 - SERIES 2 (OT)

Dragan Toroman

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