[Ctk-developers] CTK and DCMTK 3.6 compatibility

Marco Nolden m.nolden at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Fri Jun 17 10:47:52 EDT 2011


I started using the CTK DICOM Widgets in MITK. Since we want to use the
official 3.6 release of DCMTK there are some compatibility issues. To
get started I fixed the constant names, adapted the superbuild and put
this in a new branch


As far as I can see there are no build issues with DCMTK itself, the
stock CMake files of DCMTK 3.6 seem to work fine.
However the interface of the DcmSCU class has changed and I'm not sure
how to replace the methods correctly and whether the implementation in
3.6 is already complete.



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