[Ctk-developers] Filenames alphabetically sorted in CMakeLists.txt

Julien Finet julien.finet at kitware.com
Sun Jun 26 14:40:19 EDT 2011

Hi CTK developers,

I'm not sure we ever discussed it before (I think I remember Marco talking
about it sometime) but I'd like to make sure we all agree that "files
inclusions must be alphabetically ordered in CMakeLists.txt" (except if
there is an obvious different category ordering).
This is helpful for 2 reasons:
 - It is less prone to generate conflicts when rebasing. If two commits add
a file, they are less unlikely to conflict if they are alphabetically
ordered than if they both are added at the bottom of the list.
 - (Faster to lookup a file in the cmakelists)

Of course, the discussion is open, so please share your thoughts !

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