[Ctk-developers] Using ctkWorkflowWidgetStep.setBackButtonText or .setButtonBoxHints in Python

Steve Pieper pieper at ibility.net
Thu Jun 2 13:06:57 EDT 2011

Hi Daniel -

With the PythonQt wrapping, only properties, signals/slots, and
methods tagged with Q_INVOKABLE are available in python.

I would argue that we should try to expose the public API of our
widgets as much as possible to python but right now there is a lot of
functionality that is only available via C++.


On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Daniel Haehn <haehn at bwh.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am trying to hide the buttonbox on a ctkWorkflowWidgetStep in Python
> but I can not access the method:
> a = ctk.ctkWorkflowWidgetStep()
> ...
> a.setButtonBoxHints(..) # does not exist
> Accessing the ButtonBoxHint enum with its values is possible.
> Also, I am missing access to a.setBackButtonText(..).
> Am I doing something wrong or is the doxygen documentation outdated?
> Thanks,
> Daniel
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