[Ctk-developers] Export header file now starts with "ctk" lower case

Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin jchris.fillionr at kitware.com
Thu Oct 21 13:56:21 EDT 2010

Hi Folks,

Following commit
export header file now start with "ctk" lower case.

It means code looking like:

// CTK includes
#include "ctkTransferFunction.h"
#include "*CTKWidgetsExport*.h"

has been changed into:

// CTK includes
#include "ctkTransferFunction.h"
#include "*ctkWidgetsExport*.h"

The impact on your current work could potentially be:
 - If you write new classes, make sure to include the lower case version.
 - If you merge a topic branch started prior to commit
you may have to resolve conflicts

If you don't already know it, note that the file "ctk<LIBRARYNAME>Export.h
is automatically configured for you using CTK/Libs/ctkExport.h.in


Phone: 1-518-836-2174
Ext: 304
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