[Ctk-developers] ctkRangeSlider, ctkDoubleRangeSlider and others inherited QAbstractSlider with a negative minimum value

Wagner Sales wsales at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 10:47:46 EDT 2010

Hi all,

After taking a look for a couple of minutes in range sliders which
inherits from QAbstractSlider I see a ( i think ) problem: you cannot
start setting the minimum value as a negative value. Instead, you'll
needs to set minimum by QAbstractSlider::setMinimum(negative value)
and after ctkRangeSlider::setMinimumValue(negative value). Only to
point: this occurs in QxtSpanSlider too ( of course not the topic here
)!. What can be done about this? Change the behavior? Document in the
class? A warning in the method? Well, since I spent some time to found
this, I think others don't need to spent too. ;)

Best Regards,

Wagner Sales

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