[Ctk-developers] CTK Dashboard: A DICOM data collection for testing ?

OFFIS DICOM Team dicom at offis.de
Fri Apr 23 08:54:36 EDT 2010

Dear all,

Am 22.04.2010 17:21, schrieb Marco Nolden:
> Am 09.04.2010 16:45, schrieb Luis Ibanez:
>> [...] 2) We could host a set of realistic DICOM series in the MIDAS
>> server, and setup CMake to download them into testing machines as part
>>  of the superbuild. It will be important to include in that collection,
>>  a set of "bad" datasets that exercise error conditions in the code.
>> That is, we want to include DICOM images that are not compliant, and we
>> want to verify that the code rejects them accordingly.
> That's a good idea. I've seen there is already a CTK repository on MIDAS.
> How can I download this from CMake?
>> Does DMTK has a data-testing collection that we could use ? and if so,
>>  it is redistributable ?

Unfortunately we don't have a systematic collection of DICOM data which
would fit the requirements of CTK which lies especially on working on a set
of inter-related images for fancy image processing :-)

Of course we have tons of "normal" images but most of them should not be
publicly redistributable. Also we have an internal, artificially produced
test collection of images which pushes to the limits of the DICOM image
model in order to test our 2D image rendering pipeline (with stuff inside
like 65535 bits assigned per color channel). We call that the horror cabinet
-- I doubt it's worth sharing for CTK but I will discuss wheather this is
possible before coming to the hackfest.

Few more complex examples (say: inter-related images) can be found at the
NEMA and are referenced from David Clunies website http://www.dclunie.com.
Scroll down to "images". Besides this some other ressources are listed on
our wiki: http://support.dcmtk.org/wiki/dicom/images

For pure data parsing tests interesting mostly for DICOM toolkit
providers:-) there is a collection of images (correct and incorrect DICOM)
from Mathieu Malaterre, the main author of the GDCM DICOM toolkit. The links
should be also in the Wiki.

The best "nice" DICOM collections I know are indeed the published by the
Osirix people.

Best regards,

OFFIS DICOM Team, Escherweg 2, 26121 Oldenburg, Germany
E-Mail: dicom at offis.de, URL: http://dicom.offis.de

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