[Ctk-developers] meeting in Oxford

Ron Kikinis kikinis at bwh.harvard.edu
Sat Aug 15 09:41:08 EDT 2009

Misunderstanding. London or Oxford, gehupft wie gesprungen...

Meinzer Hans-Peter wrote:
> Dear Friends of CTK, dear Gianluca,
> summarizing all comments on meeting location preferences: the winner is Oxford. Only one vote for London (Ron). MANY votes for Oxford.
> Therefore let us please meet in Oxford. 
> Everybody is asked to tell Gianluca and Charlotte (hello Charlotte, please help us) to find the number of attendees and care for food etc.
> Gianluca, please get us 3 beds for Ivo, Marco and myself.
> Having done this I will return to paint my garden shed in swedish red color (Falun rod) with white window frames.
> Steve, do you have OFFIS in your list dicom at offis.de 
> The list above is complete?????
> Best wishes from sunny Odenwald.
> Peter Meinzer
> Hans-Peter Meinzer
> Prof. Dr. sc.hum.habil.
> Head of Department 'Medical and Biological Informatics'
> German Cancer Research Center
> Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
> 69120 Heidelberg
> +49-6221-422366 office
> +49-6221-422345 fax
> +49-171-2655356 mobile
> H.P.Meinzer at dkfz.de
> ________________________________
> Von: Paladini, Gianluca (SCR US) [mailto:gianluca.paladini at siemens.com]
> Gesendet: Fr 14.8.2009 20:36
> An: Meinzer Hans-Peter; Stephen Aylward; Kevin Cleary
> Cc: Marco Viceconti; ctk-developers at commontk.org; dclunie at dclunie.com; Kevin Cleary; Nicholas Ayache; Ron Kikinis; Andreas Engelke; Nolden Marco; Wolf Ivo; Sauer, Frank (SCR US); Hauser Stefanie; Steve Pieper; Olivier Clatz; Dunning Janina; WINTZ Julien; Christian Renner; Quadrani Paolo; Lawrence Tarbox; Engelmann Uwe
> Betreff: RE: AW: CTK and MAF3: hotels in London
> Hello all,
> We do have a meeting room in Oxford reserved for the 25th, and in fact
> we could have the room for the 26th as well if necessary - see email
> below from Jerome, he is director of R&D at Siemens Molecular Imaging. I
> am in touch with his secretary, Charlotte, who can assist with travel
> arrangements. It is nice to have a point of contact in the UK that can
> help.
> As I indicated in an email on 7/22, Siemens Molecular Imaging is at this
> location:
> 23-38 Hythe Bridge St, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 2EP, United Kingdom
> 01865 28502.
> http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Siemens+Mole
> cular+Imaging,+23-38+Hythe+Bridge+St.,+Oxfordshire,+OX1+2EP,+Oxford,+Uni
> ted+Kingdom&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=78.056642,54.580078&ie=UTF8&ll=5
> 1.753244,-1.266561&spn=0.007731,0.009023&z=17&iwloc=A 
> I think the debate about choosing between London and Oxford has stalled
> our travel plans, and now we are running out of time. If you could
> kindly let me know who plans on attending I can at least have Charlotte
> look into hotel availability in Oxford and make lunch/dinner
> arrangements.
> How many people plan to attend?
> Cordially,
>     Gianluca

Ron Kikinis, M.D.,
Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School
Director, Surgical Planning Laboratory

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