[Ctk-developers] CTK and MAF3

Marco Viceconti viceconti at tecno.ior.it
Thu Aug 6 06:34:56 EDT 2009

Dear all:
   seems we are not yet sing the ctk-developers mailing list. Since I  
am not sure who is on it, I post to both the list and the direct  
addresses. If you are on both, sorry for cross-posting. If we are all  
on it, we should start to use it exclusively, so we also have an  
archive of our messages.


The general idea of CTK is very exciting.  However, its timing is  
somehow odd for us.  while CTK is starting its first steps now, we are  
well deep into the architectural design of the next major revision of  
MAF, and we are starting its development.  From the past, we do these  
big changes every four years of so, so the timing is a bit off-beat.

But if we see the problem from another side, maybe this is not so  
bad.  MAF3 will be highly modular; this means that some MAF3 modules  
could be simply re-used into CTK, at least in principle.  This could  
boost CTK, because we are starting to work right now, so some solid  
things could be already available Q1 2010.

Of course if one or more MAF modules are candidate as concrete  
implementation for into CTK, we should need to revise our internal  
designs plans with the whole CTK panel, and agree on who does what (we  
are ready to take 100% load for these modules, but there might be a  
strategic opportunity to distribute the effort).

So for us it would be important to know soon if any part of MAF is  
considered interesting for potential inclusion into the first version  
of CTK.  To the purpose I wrote with Paolo a short document that  
describes MAF3 architecture, at least as we imagine today  
(implementation might change a few things here and there :-) ). I am  
not sure how we should proceed, but for now I would ask you to take a  
look to this document when you have a minute, and if you see something  
that fancy you, write it on the list.

Please understand we are not trying to push our agenda.  In our vision  
CTK is a strategic element of MAF4; however, if there is an  
opportunity to leverage on the big development effort we plan to  
undertake in the next few months, it is worth consider this, I guess.

Best regards

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MARCO VICECONTI, PhD                              
(viceconti at tecno.ior.it)
Laboratorio di Tecnologia Medica              tel.   39-051-6366865
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli                            fax.    
via di Barbiano 1/10, 40136 - Bologna, Italy

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