[ITK] analysing scans other than brain

Matyas Varga M.Varga at brighton.ac.uk
Mon Mar 5 12:11:48 EST 2018

Dear ITK,

I was wondering if it was possible to analyse (surface-based morphometry and SPM) NOT brain scans.
I am doing my PhD looking at how the shape of children's feet change as they get older (2-7 years old).

I will use a 3D scanner which will provide me with a mesh of triangles of the foot and I am considering to create average age group foot shapes and compare them using surface based morphometry and SPM.
I will obviously have to create my own foot "atlas". I was wondering if this was possible in ITK?

Please let me know if it is possible or if you have any suggestions if it is not.

Thank you.

Best Regards

Matyas Varga
PhD student
School of Health Sciences Research
University of Brighton
Aldro Building, 49 Darley Road
Eastbourne, BN20 7UR
Tel: 01273 644189

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