[ITK] Problem with Writing Dicom Series

Sara Gh sg.ele.eng at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 10:19:12 EDT 2017


I have a question regarding writing Dicom series using SimpleITK in Python.
I read a 3D scan, resampled it, and stored it as a Dicom series. However,
when I try to read the stored data, I am unable to load the whole 3D images
and it only displays one of the slices. It seems that the header is
corrupted. I would be thankful if someone could help me to fix this issue.

Here is my write method:

def WriteDicomSeries(imagein,outDir):
    writer = sitk.ImageSeriesWriter()
    filenames = [ outDir+'MR_{0:04}.dcm'.format(i) for i in

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